Growing in Trust
Core Beliefs

Core Beliefs

Jesus Christ is the single, ultimate authority over this Church, and He has told us what is important to Him in the Bible.

You can find a more detailed outline in our Statement of Faith, but here’s a quick summary:

The Bible is God’s written revelation of Himself to humans and is true, authoritative, and sufficient for life and godliness.

God, being absolutely and infinitely perfect, just, kind, wise, and sovereign, is worthy of all honor and obedience.

Every human (from conception until death) is worthy of love and respect as a person created in God's image. At the same time, we are all naturally rebellious, corrupt, and in need of God's forgiveness and supernatural transformation.

In His mercy and in order to display the magnificence of His grace, God became a human in Jesus Christ to rescue sinners from His own justice.

Sinners are brought into a right relationship with God by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

By trusting in Jesus’ obedience, death, and resurrection in our place, believers are set free from sin’s penalty and given new natures so that we progressively become more like Jesus in our hearts and in our lives.

The Church exists to grow in trust, grow in love, and grow disciples, worshipping and working together as His chosen and graciously cherished people.

One day Jesus will return bodily to completely destroy sin, death, and Satan and to rule over His creation. We will then enjoy Him forever.