By God's Grace
Everything that we have and do is possible only because God has taken the initiative to pour out incredible amounts of lavish grace on us. If anything good ever comes from us, it is being empowered by Him. Jesus says it simply, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” We must depend upon Him for everything.
For His Glory
We were created by Jesus Christ and for Jesus Christ. Even though we naturally try to protect and proclaim our goodness and achievements, we were designed to celebrate something way better: God’s kindness, God’s character, God’s power. We want our lives to make Jesus famous.
Community of Disciples
Sin separates people, but we were designed to live in deep relationships. We want to be a church made up of people who know they need each other and therefore intentionally encourage each other, bear each other’s burdens, and work together to serve our King. Because Jesus rescues us from sin and selfishness, He makes both wide diversity and deep unity possible.
Growing in Trust
The core of everything God is calling us to do comes down to one thing: that we would TRUST HIM—trust Him spiritually to rescue us from His judgment and also trust practically with every situation in our lives. Trusting Him is not a one-time event to be checked off and moved past, but a moment by moment confidence in His love, in His character, and in His promises. Trusting Him pleases Him. Trusting Him announces that He is worthy of our trust, and therefore, trusting Him is our goal. We are striving for RUGGED faith—when we’re healthy AND when we’re sick, when we’re rich AND when we’re poor, when life is going just the way we planned AND when it seems to be totally out of control.
Growing in Love
God says in Galatians 5 that every command in the Old Testament “is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, ‘You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself.’” He doesn’t just mean, “Be nice to each other;” He means, “Fervently love one another from the heart” (1 Peter 2:22)—“even as I have loved you” (John 13:34). Real love is never convenient, but that’s what makes it so important—it requires that we trust His love enough to pour it out on others—even at great personal cost.
Growing Disciples
God’s first command to humans came in the form of a blessing: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” After Jesus was raised from the dead, He left His followers with a similar command-promise, “Go. Make disciples of all the nations, and I will be with you.” Our God is a missional God. Jesus came into the world to rescue rebels and reconcile them to Himself and each other. He said, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” That work does not end when people initially trust Christ but continues as we seek to grow them into followers of Jesus, joined to Him in His mission to make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples.